Thread: Mimigirl
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Old 01-12-2014, 06:48 PM
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 6
Smile Mimigirl

Hi everyone, I live in New York City all my life, was born in Puerto Rico, and shorty after, my mother moved here. I started quilting at the age of 66 years old, however, I remember I was introduced to quilting when I was 8 yeas old. In the summers I was sent to Pennsylvania to stay with a family that accepted children that lived in the city to get to know what the country living was all about. I loved it very much, while staying with them, one morning all the women from the area would come settle in the living room, bring out this big quilt and everyone would be given an area, sit and sew, I was given my spot and sewed together with all of them. I loved it! Until I was 66 years, again, I was introduced with quilting and now it is here to stay. Shortly after I was introduced to it, I decided to go my way because my teacher did not explain to us what is quilting, just gave us a piece of paper to sew pieces of materials on it and when we asked questions, would get upset, so I went my way and with the help of YOUTUBE I began learning quilting and fell in love with it.
I find quilting hard to make, I have lots of problem with it, selecting materials and patterns but I am not giving up.
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