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Old 01-16-2014, 04:42 AM
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Originally Posted by Jingle View Post
I can't stand anything on my hands. I have tried many lotions and can always feel a residue. I am going to try the Vasaline Spray and Go, if I can find it. I have dry hands and find just working with fabrics suck the moisture out of my hands.
I have a tendency to grow callouses on my feet, probably because I wear socks all the time, except in hot weather. My Husband has very dry hands in the winter from doing dishes and has very dry itchy legs, I buy him Lubriderm for very dry skin and it works.

Glad to know it's not just me that has this problem- none of the ladies in my quilting group complain about their hands being dry and cracking, so I thought it was just me. I can't stand anything on my hands either, I always seem to feel a residue and I want to wash the lotion off because it drives me nuts. My hands dry out and fingers split when handling fabric- no hand quilting just the mere handling of fabric when quilting. I've tried everything it seems, and to no avail. I wash my hands all day long. I have always had this problem with dry hands even before quilting. When I was teaching, I couldn't use chalk unless I had a holder, as that irritated my hands, couldn't use white boards, because allergic to the markers-inhalants. I have allergies to so many things. I wash my hands all the time when I'm cooking, because I can't stand anything on my hands. When I worked in offices, same because of handling paper. It seems that my skin has become more dry since I developed my thyroid problem and had to have tyhroids removed, and I thought it might have become worse due to that, read that that helps to cause dry skin. I am going to try and find the Vaseline spray, and see if that helps. I have recently been using Quench by Oil of Olay, and that doesn't seem to leave a residue, but just rubbing lotion on my hands drives me crazy. Glad to read this thread, now I know I'm not just crazy or paranoid.
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