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Old 12-11-2009, 05:52 PM
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Houston, TX
Posts: 7,286

Originally Posted by amma
Another thought, my aloes did not require as much water as my Christmas cacti (is that plural??? LOL) so if you are watering them at the same times the cactus may not be getting enough...
Well, with my cactus, the leaves start to droop sadly if I overwater, and shrivel if underwatered.

When you water, just make sure that it gets enough water to be wet all the way through. If it is really dry, I usually water until the dish underneath has water in it, then let it sit for about 30 min and then pour off the excess water so that it will drain thoroughly. As long as you let it dry out completely between waterings, and don't let it sit in water after you do water, it is ok. My cactus take as much water as my kolanchoe and other plants. When they are in the house, I water weekly.
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