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Old 12-11-2009, 09:55 PM
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: East Central Indiana
Posts: 68

Originally Posted by Joanieu
I am in also... Last week I sorted all my scraps by light, medium and dark - have been thinking about what to make since money is real tight for us right now. I have looked at for a while now also, but I just want to sew it all together without having a main fabric. And some of my pieces are real small or thin. Does that matter? Also, can you just use scraps for the back, wouldn't that be kind of a reversible quilt? Don't know, but will start using scraps next month. Have lap quilt (pieced about 2 years ago) that I am quilting on now.
Sounds like you have the makings for some paper pieced quilts.. you can use up very small pieces for that method. Good luck.. this is going to be lots of fun to see all the scrappy quilts that will come from this challenge. Use those scraps for the back is a great idea, my mom also did that often as she lived through the depression & cut up all our clothes when we grew up & used all of them in quilts. She didn't (couldn't afford) to buy new fabric so this was her means of quilting... using scraps!
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