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Old 01-25-2014, 04:01 PM
Rach L.
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 165


You are right, I do have the manual. I read through the parts about cams, but it didn't mention anything about getting different cams, or a certain size, etc. It just said that the machine came with several cams, that I can change the designs by using the "stretch" function, and/or using the double needle. I guess I just assumed that since there were missing numbers in my series, I'd be able to find them to complete the set....but we all know what happens when you "ass"U"me".

There is a lot of functionality with this machine for sure. I just think it would make it extra special if I had the whole shebang.

Thank you for letting me know that there are different cams though! I would have messed that one up for sure!
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