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Old 02-04-2014, 03:50 AM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
Posts: 9,103

i have an absurdly huge stash.
it has all but taken over.

the upside is that i can always find something to use in a quilt.
the downside is that - despite all i have already - i can't always find everything i need for a particular quilt.
that means a shopping trip in search of something for that quilt.
which can lead to leaving with more impulse purchases.

i'm getting better, though.
i now consider a trip a success if i walk out either only with what i needed that day for a specific project, or empty handed.

my goal this year is to shop my stash exclusively.

wish me luck. LOL
  • necessity is the mother of invention. lazy is the crazy aunt.
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