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Old 02-08-2014, 09:11 AM
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Location: Ft. Wayne
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Anyone thinking about low carb needs to think again. Carbs get a bad wrap because there are two kinds. There are carbs that are refined and processed into "foods" which are full of sugar, lack fiber and usually have saturated fat used in the preparation. These cause or contribute to the major chronic diseases (obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc.)that are bankrupting our healthcare system. Then there are the carbs in legumes, starchy vegetables and whole grains, which are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, sufficient protein, essential fats and all the good stuff our body needs for health.

You can lose weight and gain health by throwing out the concept is dieting and following a program like the one at I was always able to lose weight on "diets", but never able to maintain the loss. My peak weight was 230 lbs. I have been following a program like McDougle's for the past three years. My weight is 118 lbs. and my health has improved remarkably. I have the support of many friends who have embraced the same lifestyle. We get together once a week for a potluck where we share new recipes and encourage one another.

Education is an important component of the program, since most of what we hear in the popular media is usually slanted by people or interest groups trying to make a buck. The greatest part is that I follow a few simple guidelines. I do not count calories or measure food. I simply read labels and prepare most of my own food in batches large enough to freeze for future use.
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