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Old 02-10-2014, 05:28 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2012
Location: Usually in my sewing room
Posts: 813
Default Thank goodness for my local library!

I have a couple quilts that needed to be sandwiched. One of them is 68"x68". I really didn't feel like crawling around on my kitchen floor on my hands and knees so I packed up my quilts, backing and batting, scissors, green Frog tape, spray baste, and headed to the library.

As luck would have it, the meeting room at the library wasn't in use (on a Sunday afternoon). Yeah! I probably should have called just to make sure, but I had faith it would be available. I happily moved tables together and started working.

Best idea I've had in months! No killing my knees and working in odd positions and kneeling all over and potentially marking up or damaging my quilt tops.

Both quilts were sandwiched and ready to go 2 hours. Yeah....

Now it's on to practice more FMQing.
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