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Old 02-10-2014, 08:54 PM
Lady Diana
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Join Date: Jul 2008
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Not funny at all. I have done yo yos....knitted a scarf going from Dallas to Sweetwater Texas....3.5 hours each way,
Fort Worth to Magnolia AR....over 5 hours....lots of road projects....I purchased a power strip that plugs in the car.
I plug in my laptop and watch quilting/sewing dvd's. If you can buckle yourself in the back seat, and fit a small table that goes over your lap and sits on the seat like a computer lap desk, but with supports on the side, that might work. If you put a small table in the car, you would not have control in the event of sudden stops, would have the machine and table falling towards you... I have sewn on my machine in the RV, but not in the car. If you do this for the car, you and your husband need to anchor the table and place drawer liner under your machine. A small Singer FW would work....but you have to have a level stable table. Let us know what you come up with.
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