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Old 02-13-2014, 09:07 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: East Kootenays, BC
Posts: 947

If you check out the Yahoo Groups they have a Sweet Sixteen forum and you'll get some good feedback there. Any dealer I talked to about them didn't really push them. I didn't care for the way they worked and I tried them on a few demo machines at a couple of quilt shows. I've heard a lot of people say that with practice you get good enough that you don't need it. Handi Quilter also has some new DVD's out your can buy off their website specifically for the S16 that the forum members are all raving about, so you may find that of interest as well. I've seen a lot of second hand stitch regulators for sale for them here and there...people buy them and decide not to use them. Also, from what I've seen there isn't much of a price difference between the US and CDA on them, they run around $995 unless you catch a deal.
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