Old 02-17-2014, 03:30 PM
nakotha's Avatar
Join Date: May 2012
Posts: 66
Default Almost all or all hand sewing quilt ..... will you show your hand sewn stuff?

Good morning, ya all beauties!

After thinking what non-poly batting i should use for the next all over hand sewing quilt, the idea cought me to ask you all, if you are able or willing to show us your hand sewn quilts, or hand quiltings, table toppers, wall hangings, quilting clothes and every thing else?

I remember when i sew this quilt, I did the appliques on the desk, while watching the little farm on prairie series on computer. Mary Ingalls and all the other women did embroider with the hand frame or at least repair the shirt collar of their husbands My hero was Charles Ingalls. No matter how hard he worked ..... his hair was always shining and with fresh waves T

he quilting I was doing while watching tv in evening time. Mostly in the evening then tv trash was in. The whole quilt took a bit more than 4 months from start to finish.

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