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Old 02-17-2014, 07:42 PM
Scissor Queen
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Originally Posted by mpspeedy2
I know I sound like a broken record but why does a quilt have to be pieced to be a quilt? I have at least three whole cloth white quilts I have totally quilted by hand. It is so much easier and more relaxing not to have to worry about quilting through seams. Quilting has existed for probably more than a thousand years before it became "patchwork". I believe that was a totally American invention as a way to make the most of every scrap of expensive scarce fabric that they had to import from Europe and England before the textile industry got going in this country. It is the layering and sewing the layers together that makes it a quilt not the patchwork. I suggest that each of you either purchase a white on white wholecloth quilt kit or you could make one of your own simply by using a quilting stencil to mark a solid color piece of fabric, say a pillow top, layer it and start quilting. You will be able to accomplish so much more and get almost instant gratification. There are loads of panels and fabric printed to look like patchwork or even applique that you can quilt either by hand or machine and skip all of that cutting and sewing little seams and ripping and repeating. It really is kind of silly to spend so much time cutting up and sewing back together all of those little pieces before you can even get started "quilting".

I can't let this go by without commenting. Personally I think "whole cloth" quilts are boring no matter how fancy the quilting. It's my opinion and I'm entitled to it. However, I'm not going to tell somebody they shouldn't do something because I don't like it.

Live and let live.
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