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Old 02-20-2014, 05:11 PM
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Monterey Bay, CA
Posts: 8

Originally Posted by Auntevie View Post
I hope this helps.... First you must have a program that will read the designs like embird. I have sew what pro and love it and the price is a lot cheaper than embird. I don't think it does as much as a program like Embird, but it does everything I need it to and is, IMO, simpler to use. You can try SWP first before you buy it.

So after you buy a design and download it to your computer, you open it in your program (embird, SWP, ect). Then you can save it to a USB. Once it's saved, remove the USB and plug the USB into the side of the PE770.

Hope that makes sense!

PS make sure the designs you buy are PES.
Is the Embird software a good investment or is the other program you mentioned better and will it work with the Brother PE-770? The PES software that was recommended by the salesperson has not worked for me since day one. It has been installed and un-installed so many times I've lost count. If I can't find a good software to work with this machine, then I will have to get rid of it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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