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Old 02-25-2014, 06:31 AM
Barb in Louisiana
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Originally Posted by silvam View Post
Good Morning: Can’t think of a better place to go for advise then this board. My granddaughter has been accepted to SJU their colors are you guessed Red and White – this is going to be her first time away from home. I thought that she can take a piece of comfort from home with her if she was to take her comforter which she has named “cloud” and has had for years. So I thought why not make her a duvet with the school colors and she can still take comfort when she is wrapped in her cloud. Can you suggest a pattern that would have two colors? Thank you in advance for any and all help.
Sometimes simpler is better. Does SJU have a fabric that you can buy? If so...consider using the SJU fabric as a center panel. I make mine WOF wide and WOF + 10 to 15 inches for length. The center can be longer. Then you can use any fabric that has those colors in it as outside mitered borders. This makes a really modern looking twin bed quilt. I make the whole back with either of the fabrics.

My grandkids....9 to 23 love these more modern type quilts. My grandson, who is 10, told me he would love any quilt I made for him, even if it was old-fashioned looking. DUH..... I will NOT be considered old-fashioned. That was my grandmother.
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