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Old 02-26-2014, 10:37 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Small town in Northeast Oregon close to Washington and Idaho
Posts: 2,795

I've made easy, easy quilts where I didn't make any mistakes, but they were boring me to death. I think we need to learn when quilting. Now I'm making more intermediate quilts and find I make mistakes, but I don't mind ripping out pieces because I'm being challenged. Being bored making a quilt is the worst way to quilt. Challenge yourself and you will learn and enjoy through the whole process.

I took Craftsy free BOMs in 2012 and 2013 and I was learning paper piecing, which I was scared to death of trying. It wasn't hard and now it's my favorite way to sew. I learned each month on new blocks and was challenged. I looked forward to the beginning of the month and the new block it entailed.

I think I get lazy and make easy quilts just to have a quilt on hand to give away. Now I am not making very many, but they are teaching me so much. I don't want the perfect quilt. It would be boring.
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