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Old 02-27-2014, 01:43 AM
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Originally Posted by FroggyinTexas View Post
Several posters have mentioned getting rid of "outdated" or no longer "fashionable fabric." Some have even given away quilts because they are "outdated." In an age of vintage clothing shops, a seeming obsession with owning a Singer Featherweight, and (in my neck of the woods) an antique shop on every available corner, what is it with "outdated" fabric for quilts? Some fabrics in my stash are at least 40 years old--my mother bought some of them when she was still making garments, and I bought others because they called my name. One of these days those fabrics, which get refolded and petted about twice each year are going into a "vintage" quilt and I dare anyone to say it is "outdated." froggyintexas
This reminds me of a guy complaining about his wife "needing" a new leather coat. Appareantly the button styles had changed and her two year old LEATHER coat would no longer do!
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