Old 02-28-2014, 06:19 PM
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Location: Tacoma Washington
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I hope you are ok with me posting this here Yosamitesa if not I will delete it and I mean not to offend anyone just trying to help a local board member whom I have come to love.
We celebrated when Elisabrat got the call that she was accepted onto the transplant list for a new kidney. While she focuses on staying healthy until that kidney comes, we have the opportunity to help remove a little bit of the stress from her back.

After her transplant, she will have to stay in the Denver area for at least 30 days for monitoring. Since she lives nowhere near Denver, it's highly probable that she'll be staying in a hotel and getting meals from restaurants, hotel restaurants, etc. Anyone who has taken a vacation out of town knows just how expensive that can be!

We are hoping to raise enough money to fully cover the hotel costs; if we reach that goal, we'll aim higher and try to guarantee that she won't have to worry about affording healthy and healing foods while she's away from home.

Wouldn't it be nice to send her off to Denver with the knowledge that the first few months with her new kidney will be free of financial worries? - See more at: http://www.youcaring.com/medical-fun....FmeFhZLS.dpuf
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