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Old 03-02-2014, 04:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Rodney View Post
One thing we tend to forget when the trend is toward lighter things is that for machinery weight is good. The extra mass helps dampen noise and vibration. I forget the technical details but cast iron is especially good at dampening vibration.
I play with old woodworking machines too. When it comes to cast iron on wood and metal working machines it's "The More the Merrier". If you ever get a chance to compare an old cast iron topped table saw to one of the new plastic marvels the difference is obvious. I would expect the same to be true for sewing machines, just on a smaller scale.
My Dad was a superb woodworker and was careful about his tools. Seems like all of his were very heavy but that was back before all the plastic stuff being made. When my husband was able to get some of his things, they were all backbreaking to move (and we have moved them several times!), he knew he had good stuff that would last and he would never have to worry about the machinery traveling across the shop floor while he was using it. Same for the old sewing machines as you have stated, Rodney. Lightweight is nice if you are going to a class for the day but at home, give me those heavy old ones.
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