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Old 03-02-2014, 06:39 PM
kantuckee's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: Knox County, Kentucky
Posts: 78

KLO This is a little booklet that went with a wall hanging made from my deceased father in law's shirts and deceased mother in law's buttons from the button jar that all the children played with growing up. The booklet told the story of the button jar. I think ties would look beautiful this way too. Maybe not the buttons but it meant so much to all the kids to receive it. There were 4 blocks to the wall hanging.

Originally Posted by KLO
Boy, thanks for showing us how you do this. A friend wants me to make several pillows or wall hangings out of her father's ties for members of the family. Not sure I want to do that but your photos are very helpful and clear so I will think about it.
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