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Old 03-02-2014, 11:15 PM
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Default You Can Find Inspiration Everywhere !

The new challenge for Project Quilting went up yesterday and our challenge this week was " The Grocery Store " . We had to be inspired by something at the Grocery Store. It could be a single item, or the Bakery, or the Dairy section, or the tiles on the floor, as long as the inspiration was located inside the grocery store. I did not even have to visit my local grocery store to be inspired by it, because ANY grocery store on the planet, would have offered me the same exact inspiration.

If you are a parent, you already know that there is ONE thing, that we all avoid buying when our children are with us at the store. We will avoid having to buy anything else that may also be located in the same aisle !


That's right folks, cereal. It does not matter how good your parenting skills are, but if you walk into a grocery store to purchase one of the many wonderful HEALTHY cereal choices that are available to you

and you are accompanied by your children, you are going to end up bringing home something in a bright colored box with a cartoon character of some kind on it !

Do you know why that is ? It is because your grocery store knows ALLLLLL about Eye Level Marketing. This is the marketing tactic that says , consumers are most likely to purchase items found at eye level, rather than those placed above or below it. Well, when it comes to cereals, YOU as a parent, are NOT their target audience ! Your kids are ! That is why those brightly colored, cartoon character covered boxes of sugar coated deliciousness are on the two shelves that at YOUR KIDS eye levels !

Take a look at any cereal aisle , in any grocery store you have ever been to. Those top 2 shelves, and the very bottom shelf are filled with boxes who's dominant colors are white, tan and brown. Sure they might pop a bright red strawberry or some other foolishness on there for contrast, but lets be real. Those boxes look as appealing to a kid as you telling them that there will be a test after they watch" The History Of The World " documentary for family movie night. It just is not going to happen.

So that my friends is where my inspiration comes from for this weeks challenge.

My actual project is going to have more random sizing, but this is the general idea !
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