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Old 03-04-2014, 05:27 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2013
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Originally Posted by barbarakibler23 View Post
This year I would like to add a little twist....During your birthday month please introduce yourself...
tell us about your family
if you work and where
why you started quilting
projects you are currently working on
and what you are most proud of. (quilting and life wise)
and anything else you want us to know...

So take it away March birthday babies............Jarenie, mrshalibut, bjsmith57 and mrs.sherbert
also where did your board name come ladies have some pretty cool names (wish I could change mine to something cool)

Hello everyone I am the March 29[SUP]th[/SUP] Birthday Baby. My full name is Mrs. Billie J. Smith, I have been married to my wonderful husband for 37 years on March 26[SUP]th. [/SUP] Yes, I do get (2) two gifts in March
We have 2 grown children who reside on the East Coast along with 2 grandchildren.
I wanted to start quilting because I always admired quilts from a distance; and thought I would give it a try – since I have a little more time now (i.e. especially in the summer when it is 100 degrees plus in Arizona). I am currently employed with the State of Arizona as a Program Manager.
I am currently working on a quilt entitled Three in one; after I complete this quilt I plan to begin trying my hand at making some of the different blocks. I have only been quilting since August 2013; I have been spending alot of time reading quilt books from the library and online blogs.
I am most proud of making myself step out of the box and try quilting; I have not sewed in 10+ years but it is all coming back to me. I plan on continuing to research and hopefully get more and more skilled at quilting. I did attend the Quilt show here in Phoenix, AZ in early February; and there were some lovely quilts on display.

I look forward to getting to know everyone and enjoying the friendships that I will make through this board.

P.S. My board name is my first initial, middle initial and the last 2 digits of my birth year (I needed something easy to remember)
Have a good evening everyone,
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