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Old 03-09-2014, 04:51 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Pearland, TX
Posts: 406

I use three-ring binders, ten of them in fact. Each binder holds patterns, blocks, guide sheets, instructions, or whatever, all in page protectors. The "A" and "B" binders are pretty thick because many of my "things" begin with those letters. I typed out an alphabetical listing of all the items and have it in the first notebook. Whenever I add something else, I sit down at the computer and insert the new item into the alphabetical list and file the item itself alphabetically in the proper notebook. I made a second listing to include each item under the category it belongs in (pardon the horrible grammar construction!!): crafts, sewing, paper-piecing, quilting, cross-stitch. That way I can check each category if I am in the mood for a particular type of project, or just grab a notebook off the shelf and begin skimming through until I find something I want to work on. I can always add another notebook if a particular letter grows too big.
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