Old 03-09-2014, 05:43 AM
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Originally Posted by carolaug View Post
Jenny Doan of Missouri Star Quilt has a much better way to attach the beginning and end of the binding. But she doesn't use the triangle at the beginning. That triangle is important. It is your "ruler" to find out where to cut off the tail at the end. I leave about six inches of binding loose at the beginning, and when I come to the end I stop sewing about 12 inches from where I started. Pin down the binding where you want it to be and cut off the last end at the base of that triangle. It will be the right length. Now remove the pins, fold the quilt so that the base of both ends are together, and sew those two ends together the same way you sewed all your other binding seams: right sides together at a right angle and sew on the diagonal.
You will not be able to tell where the last seam is after it is finished.

Happy binding!
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