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Old 03-10-2014, 04:48 AM
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Default Ideas for One Yard Challenge....

In our senior center group we have a one yard challenge. It's where we each (7 of us)brought a yard of black and white fabric. We tore it in half and passed it to the right. Then the person on the right tore that piece in half and passed it to the right, etc. You get the picture.

Now the challenge...I have 7 pieces of varying amounts of black and white fabric. We are able to purchase one other piece of fabric of any amount we choose to add to the black and whites. We are to make something at least 39" by 40" with these pieces. So, I am asking what would you do with these pieces and one extra piece?

This challenge can be found at

I have written to the blogger to see what they have done with their challenge but they don't have pictures yet. Thanks, I hope this isn't cheating by asking for ideas....but I am just lost as to what to do with these b/w fabrics. Thank you for your help.

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