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Old 03-14-2014, 02:39 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Montana
Posts: 565

I got about 100 pounds of spuds by gleaning from the fields about 10 years ago. I dryed them in slices figuring I could blend the slices to a powder to make mashed if I wanted and could break up for soups and stews. A neighbor and I tried them this year and they were still good. If you have tried dried spuds you will notice they have a little different taste but they are still good. I love potatoes in almost any form. I will have to try canning them. I haven't done that yet. I have frozen them and they do work that way if I cook them very well after. They are kinda of spongy if not. They freeze well in a dish and I may try canning meals with potatoes. I only have so much freezer space and I can store jars under the bed if I have to.
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