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Old 03-15-2014, 04:11 AM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Colorful Colorado
Posts: 357

I have been to many quilts shows and saw many different levels of quilts. I have a friend that enters her quilting in smaller shows/fairs/?? what ever, and she has 1st place ribbons on many of her quilts. However, she is on disability and has a lot of time to "practice." When I was out of work, I sewed almost every day. But I need to work, so when I found a job, it has gone from 8 hours a day to 10-12 hour days. I don't have the time or even the desire most days.
I don't believe this makes us terrible quilters. Your speaker is a full time quilter, as is my friend. They devote most of their time to practicing/working on their craft, and I cannot do that right now. I don't compare my work to others, because it is mine, good or bad. And if I and the person it is made for likes it, then that is all that matters.
Happy Quilting!
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