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Old 03-16-2014, 10:06 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
Location: Washington
Posts: 855

I almost bought a roll then realized it's actually more expensive than Hobbs 80/20 if you buy a whole roll of it from either Marshall Drygoods or (no affil with either). At those places, you can get 80/20, 30 yard for $111.00, with shipping ~$141.

Soft and Crafty 90": $99 divided by 25 yards is $3.96/yd. Multiply that by 30 yards so you can do a direct comparison with the Hobbs: $118.80 for 30 yards. The free shipping coupon, of course, helps, so you don't have to pay shipping.

If you can stop and pick up your batting at either of the online sites I mentioned (or possibly some of the other online sites), the price is lower and the quality is probably better.

If nothing else, wait until the Soft and Crafty is $80/25 yards. It was that price last January and no doubt will be again. Or sign your husband, child, etc. up for Joann's emails and get the 20% discount coupon ;-). Or, if nothing else, use the $5 off $25 coupon on RetailMeNot.... That will get you a few bucks and make the batting more of a bargain.

Yes, I have become a bargain hunter ;-).
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