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Old 03-18-2014, 04:19 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Michigan
Posts: 3,334

Whew.... busy family weekend and a Monday to recover. But, I'm back now.

Retiredteacher09- I know you are ready to get in your cleaned up quilting area and sew, sew, sew. That the way I always feel when my area is clean...... it doesn't stay that way for long though. And, more tote bags. You're getting those finished pretty quickly. Good for you.

To reply to Lauriejo and RT09- the books that Magpie had weren't the one I'm looking for. Yes, it's the red one with the spiral spline. And, that's the one I have to have because it's exactly the one my mom gave me over 50 years ago. So, thanks for the offer, Lauriejo but I have to keep looking for a copy of the red one. I'll find it.

Jwardknits- Love your scrappy.... the colors, the design.... everything. I just drool over the scrappys I see on the QB. I want to make one so badly..... just have to get all the promised quilts finished and out of my way. I hate it that I can't just go do the quilts in my mind that I love until I get the UFOs down to a manageable number. It's the MOM training that I got...... have to finish this thing before going on to that thing. And I'm down to that manageable number now..... just have those promised quilts to do first.

Everyone is doing so well..... getting so many UFOs from the 'to finish' pile to the 'FINISHED' pile. Pat yourselves on the back.... GOOD JOB!!!
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