Old 03-22-2014, 09:38 AM
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Originally Posted by Skratchie
Well, I think he is, because he told me last night I need to be committed. I bought a Brother DreamCreator VM5100 last week - I am in L O V E with it! It's a fabulous machine, and I am in heaven. But I told DH that I really want a Pfaff in a couple of years. You would have thought I told him I was considering having my arm removed from my torso and sewn on my head. He asked me why I wanted it and I told him that it has a bigger embroidery area and that I would like to be able to do the larger in-hoop quilting designs that aren't compatible with my Brother. He just shook his head and said something about needing to be committed and that he bet I'd be after that machine next March (I get my bonus in March every year).

Anyway, does anyone have either the Creative Performance or Creative Sensation? I would love to know just how useful the larger embroidery area might be for quilting.

Oh, and maybe he's right about next March ... I could probably sell the 8900 for enough to help pay for the Pfaff, right?
I think your husband may just be right,why not buy the machine you really want now,or have I misunderstood your question? If you are so happy with what you have, why not be content.I often think that if people buy a machine with all the latest bells and whistles then they loose the ability to be creative,just let the machine do it for them,but hey,that's only my take on it.Let's hope that the same idea of updating doesn't apply to or partners !!! Love Letty
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