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Old 03-24-2014, 03:55 PM
Join Date: Mar 2014
Location: FL
Posts: 9

Originally Posted by oldtnquiltinglady
Oh how my heart went out to you in this entry. I have given quilts to my son and his family over the years, and one day when I was over at his house after a move (they are now divorced) there was one of my quilts in the packing quilts pile of rubble......

And then another time when I was accidentally over at "her" house, there were two quilts that I had personalized and made for their two kids in one of her trash piles.
It's really annoying to see how ungrateful people are. I had little interest in the quilts because I think it's trashy to squabble over dead people's belongings, but this person has a grasping, greedy mentality, and she got them. It was part of a pattern. When relatives died, she would start claiming they had told her they wanted her to have this or that item, and it would end up in her house. Or she would simply take things from other people's houses and then claim she had had them all along. Then she let it all disintegrate. Now she is clamoring for my mother's silver, while my dad is still alive. My mother's gold Rolex and wedding ring are gone, probably pawned. My grandmother's wedding ring is gone. Tons of gold chains. Family photos were stolen. I recovered some. Others were lost to mold.

She fooled a relative into paying for most of a house for her and then giving her a right of survivorship. We finally got her out last week. Today a mold remediation guy told us every wall would have to come out. She left a water leak open under the house for years. I'm not the world's best housekeeper, but some people defy belief.

Your story makes me really angry, but I guess decent people should be grateful for the lessons others teach us about themselves.

Sorry if I seem to be turning a forum post into group therapy, but this has been a remarkable experience!
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