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Old 03-25-2014, 07:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Marianne81 View Post
I see a lot of people send their machines in for an annual tune up to the sewing repair man and was wondering if I could just do this myself. I've taken machines apart, cleaned and lubricated them, and even buffed them. What does the repair shop do that's so special I'd need to spend $100? Just wondering if I'm missing out on something. I'd much rather save the money and do it myself!
Modern machines have a warranty, as stated above. You open the machine without proper certification , you void it. Simple as that. It's best to have a service manual if you want to tinker. That's why so many people love the more simplistic, mechanicals and vintage machines. They can easily be maintained and serviced, saving you a ton of money over its life time.
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