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Old 12-18-2009, 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Naturalmama
I have this thing in my head that if I'm going to go through all the trouble of making a quilt, it needs to be big enough to be practical - big enough to use. Which for me means basically queen-sized. I don't suppose I could quilt that with a regular sewing machine?
Yes, you can quilt a large quilt; however, start with lap sized quilts first, to get the hang of things before you attempt a large quilt. I would also like to let you know about 'quilt as you go', there are many different names, but it's all about the same. If you visit The system is called fun & done, there is a short video that shows you how. Bascially you do each block to completion, then stitch them all together- it's an easier way to tackle a large quilt.
Yes, quilting can be expensive or not! Buy fabric only when it's on sale, check out your local fabric shops for 'deals', or online. And don't forget about thrift shops. Also check out 'superstar quilter' Bonnie Hunter's website,, she's frugal and she's even made quilts from her husbands' old shirts! She gives tutorials that you can download all for free.
Hope this helps!
Kind Regards,
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