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Old 03-26-2014, 03:53 AM
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Default More machine storage ideas

My husband and I have done a lot of construction projects over the years - mostly DIY and we do know what we are doing LOL!! We've been told many times that we should hire out, but I make enough money for a lot less effort doing what I currently do. I'm including this disclaimer only to point out that the things I'm talking about are well within our abilities, and we do know what we'd be getting into.

In fact, that is one reason we keep re-thinking this whole thing! We're in our 50's now, and know how much work we'd be in for putting up a new structure.

It's also normal for us to think of ideas, mull them over and think of new ideas, and keep this up until we both feel comfortable.

We have decided (baring the unforeseen) to do something so I'll have an private office for "work" when I don't drive to the Campus (84 miles away) a place for my quilting frame and for my ever growing sewing machine collection. The last plan was a two story building across the driveway with a wood shop below and sewing & office above, with the possibility of a greenhouse on the back.

We were both initially excited about this, but the enthusiasm didn't stick as we talked about the actual process of construction. The sticking point was height - and stairs, and building something out in front that would have detracted from the "country farmhouse" look we've got.

It seems we need two different footprints to serve our needs. I need something longer and narrower, and DH needed something more square, and figured it should be wide enough to pull a car inside. . .

As were were driving last weekend (been on the road a lot the last three weeks, and more to come) I was mulling this over - ideally I need a long, narrower building, with a big open area on the one end, and smaller rooms on the far end for my office. Plumping won't be needed (though I'll probably put in a compost toilet - cause I'm older and the house is too far away!) . And driving down the road, I saw something and had a light bulb moment!

A used single wide trailer home would be the perfect thing! We could open up the living/dining/kitchen end for my quilting/sewing machine area, and the kitchen cabinets would be great for storage. We'd look for a three bedroom, and use one for my office, one we'd set up with a bed in case anyone did come to visit and needed a place to sleep (though that is a very rare occurrence) and one for DH to use as he wants.

I could easily line the walls with sewing machines, only leaving one area for a "Design wall" for quilting. And I could hang quilts up along the walls behind the machines.

We'd convert it to electric heat as we have no other source of power on the property. We'd remove the small white shed (it's in rough shape anyway) and put this behind the shop and tree line. It would be much less visible from the road, and would not detract from the "skyline" like a taller building. We already have power running that direction for the shed and silos (though all the loading/unloading equipment is long gone) so we can tap off that without any difficulty.

Since this removes DH's wood shop ideas - we'd go back to an older plan of removing the roof of the building that we put a new cement floor in 5 years ago, raise it to about 9 feet and then insulate and turn that into the wood shop. This was my rabbit shed for several years. I stopped raising them last year (just too much going on) and won't get involved with that again until after I retire - if ever.

The next step will be to contact the county and find out if they'll allow this. Since it's for storage and not living quarters, and we'll install it as a "temporary structure" I don't think it will be a problem, but one never knows.

I like the idea so much, if the County won't let us move on a used trailer, I think we'll build about the same thing on site. Probably will cost about the same in the long run - only because we'd put a lot more sweat equity into building. DH likes the idea of a used trailer, because it is a lot less work on our part - though he did say he wouldn't mind doing another construction project, just not a two story one.

Things are still thawing out here - so maybe we'll have this all nailed down by the time it's warm enough to start working.
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