Old 03-27-2014, 09:07 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Wagoner, Oklahoma
Posts: 47

Originally Posted by roseirish48
block #7 completed--2 more to go soon as I locate some patterns for them. then to start putting it all together.
Oh, Rose!!! These blocks just keep getting better & better! I saw #6 (aka #5 LOL!) and thought it was my favorite...then came block #7 and I've just decided they're ALL gorgeous!

SO excited - my guild's quilt camp starts tomorrow and I hope to get all your blocks finished so I can take advantage of the really nice design wall they set up so I can audition borders!

I'm so envious of all the people on here who can do their own quilting - I still have to try to get in a "quilting queue" grrrrrrrrrrr! I tried a quilting machine at the Dallas quilt show a couple of weeks ago & it was so much fun but I would be scared to death to try to quilt for real! Even if I did have the talent for it, I don't have the space for a machine!
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