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Old 04-01-2014, 09:07 PM
Mrs. SewNSew
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Smile A very unusual weekend

Last year I discovered the joy of working on vintage sewing machines. It's a passion that hit really hard and I am having a blast finding them cleaning them and fixing them. Each one is a unique challenge and I am far from an expert but as a hobby I am enjoying it very much! I think it's a combination of the nostalgia, the solving puzzles, the precision, the research and taking something that isn't usable and giving it new life. Really, only a few people locally know about my hobby and that is because they run into me at garage sales and we chat. They always say "hey, if I see one, I'll give you a call!"

So last Friday I got a call from my dentist's receptionist and she was talking to a guy who's father just passed away recently. He was going through his things and he finds that his dad was into vintage sewing machines in a big way. As the story is told to me..the son just wants to get rid of them and would charge 5-10 dollars apiece. "He has manuals, spare parts, some in plastic cases..". Then she gives me his number.

So..I call the guy and offer my condolences, tell him how I got his number and I am interested, says he will meet me at 10:00 am Saturday so I can see them. He says there must be 20 of them! 6 or 7 treadles. Some are working..he has lots of spare parts.. I wonder if they are letting any tools and supplies go too? I could maybe stock up on things I need!

I'm thinking, maybe there is a Featherweight!

Last edited by Mrs. SewNSew; 04-01-2014 at 09:15 PM.
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