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Old 04-02-2014, 02:26 AM
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On a completely different observation, I'm astounded by the assumption by anyone that any child would be scarred for life by a drawing of a woman's nipple. Don't children get their first nutritious food from two of those things? As a baby I know for sure that I saw two of them several times a day for over a year. As a child, I'm sure I saw pictures of them on work place calendars (dad was a mechanic, his partner liked the nudie calendars), and even more in magazines (another of dad's friends was quite careless in leaving his truck unlocked with porn inside).
Adults get offended when children see nudity (I'm not talking about the stuff that more evil adults get up to) and assume the kids will be traumatised. Well, if it's occasional and accidental, they won't be.

If I had that machine my kids would think it was hilarious.
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