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Old 04-06-2014, 08:51 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Southern USA
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I have the Breville juicer. It's not messy at all. Easy to clean or I wouldn't use it. Juicers have improved a lot. I keep my grandsons during the day and we juice everyday. They will drink the juice of all mixed veggies if I toss in an orange( be sure and peel the orange) and grapes. The fruit gives the juice a nice sweet taste. Celery is the strongest taste so we don't use that. I usually do carrots, red bell peppers, kale, broccoli, cucumber, orange, grapes and tomatoes. The pulp looks pretty but don't try to eat it. It's insoluble fiber and will cause digestive problems. You will have several cup fulls a day of pulp so no use saving it unless you start a compost pile. The juice won't taste fresh if kept so only juice what you will drink at one time. I started juicing for the kids everyday when they were about a year old. They are healthy, full of energy, can focus on tasks, rarely sick, no allergies, and fun to be around. There is no way they or I could eat all the vegetables in one day that one glass of juice holds. Their Dr. said they had a very strong immune systems. They don't catch whatever symptom is going around and I seldom do either. I think diet is the key to good health. I love my Breville.

Last edited by Onebyone; 04-06-2014 at 08:53 AM.
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