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Old 04-06-2014, 07:24 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2008
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Thanks for the comments.

There are two types of fiber -- soluble fiber, and insoluble fiber. Recommendations to eat more fiber rarely distinguish between the two types, but it is very important to know if you are older and/or if you have IBS. This is because ingesting too much *insoluble* fiber can cause painful digestive upsets that can last several days. Most of the fiber in vegetables and fruits is of the insoluble type. Those of us who are sensitive to insoluble fiber need to limit our intake of insoluble fiber and make up the difference with *soluble* fiber -- ground up psyllium (Metamucil), ground up organic acacia, etc. As long as the juicing pulp does not cause gastric distress, it's fine to eat it; I will not add it back in because I have IBS and have no wish to be in pain for several days.

Thanks for the juicing ideas, Onebyone! I would never have thought to add an orange or grapes to a veggie drink to make it more palatable.

I think that diabetics have to be careful not to cause their sugar levels to spike from drinking fruit juice. Eating the whole fruit has the advantage of the insoluble fiber in the fruit slowing down the absorption of sugar. I'm not planning to juice fruits by themselves anyway, so I'm thinking there won't be that much fruit juice in the veggie drinks I make.

Although dh and I probably eat better than most people, we often don't get the recommended variety of veggies and fruit on a daily basis. I'm hoping juicing will help with that. It's kind of hard to know what goes with what, though, which is why I ordered a book of recipes along with the Breville juicer.

Last edited by Prism99; 04-06-2014 at 07:26 PM.
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