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Old 04-08-2014, 10:27 AM
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Thimbles are an acquired taste I think. I started sewing with a thimble as a child because my mother and grandmother always used one. I now have their silver thimbles along with a sliver thimble my husband bought me over 40 years ago. Each time I wear one of those thimbles it gives me such comfort and warm fuzzies. I wear mine in my middle finger. You need to have one that is the right size so you don't have to struggle to keep it on. To get used to it I suggest wearing it when you aren't sewing so it becomes a natural feeling on the end of your finger. The more you wear it the more comfortable it should begin to feel. I feel naked trying to sew without a thimble. If you have long fingernails you might try one with an open end on it for your finger nail to go through.
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