Old 04-13-2014, 03:13 PM
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ohhhhh yes!!! please!!! would love any little pieces of leftover FFC fabric...I haven`t used the one AlisonQuilts sent me yet but I will..... I haven`t been here in a while.....sometimes time just flies by so fast you loose track of it...dang...so much going on this winter...I`ve even been to France and Spain( I even got fabric) and it was amazing!!! I will get back to my DJ eventually!! You ladies are doing just awesome....I took a peak at everyone`s work and I `m jealous....
Originally Posted by QuiltE View Post
Anael ... Impressive, all round!!!!!!
I think I count 115 ... wow!!!!!
And my goodness, for someone who does not like applique, you do seem to have mastered it quite well.

GGal ... Thank you! So if MiraB is "In The Pink", and I have "The Blues" ... what do you suppose Anael's DJ is? ..... could be a bowl of jellybeans! Surely there is something better than what I offered. Are you asking about the DJs done with the FFC fabric? That was HuntAnnette ... she's had a busy winter, quilting and travelling, but will be back with us when the time is right. As for AlisonQuilts, not a Janiac Maniac ........ yet! But is supportive of the cause having sent her remaining FFC bits to HuntAnnette and some blues to moi!

Sooooooo if anyone has any leftover FFC fabric (regardless of size) and no plans for them, I know HuntAnnette would appreciate your sending it her way.
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