Thread: Hexies
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Old 04-16-2014, 10:28 AM
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Originally Posted by Chaney Ranch View Post
For those of you who are working with the hexies - do you use paper pieces for the base or card stock in Hexie punched shapes? I'm probably not making myself clear, but I've read so many different methods of achieving the end result: Bonnie Hunter and others use a paper punch similar to those used by scrap bookers, some duplicate Hexie grids onto regular copy paper, some have plastic Hexie discs which pop out of the completed Hexie for reuse, and Accuquilt now has two different dies for hexies - one of which cuts both the paper pattern and the slightly larger fabric shape. I realize that in the end it's the same results, but I'm interested in what Y'ALL use. Thanks
I print out the hexies on scrap paper and cut them out. Yes, there are several different methods, and I'm sure they are all just fine. I just learned to do it the scrap paper way, and (as the saying goes) it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks! (and I'm cheap!) Try a few ways and see what works for you.
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