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Old 04-16-2014, 05:04 PM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

Someone posted about it removing the marking from their Pyrex measuring

Prior to finding the Lemi Shine my hubs bought me 2 sets of the blue Pyrex
bake ware and mixing bowls. There was also 3 sizes of the glass measuring
cups with each set (1, 2, 4 cups).

I have to ALWAYS hand washed all my Pyrex measuring cups now because
putting them in the dishwasher was washing away the BLUE markings on
them. This was BEFORE I started using the LS.

But it (the Lemi Shine) hasn't done anything to the markings on the traditional
red Pyrex.

But I pretty much stopped putting ANY of my Pyrex cups in the dishwasher

As for trying the other LS products no every time I thought about getting some
of the rinse agent it was out of stock. But it will HAVE to wait now because I have
enough Jet Dry to last me about a year if not longer (I have 6 small bottle and a
couple larger bulk bottles).
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