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Old 04-23-2014, 08:17 AM
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Okay, here's what I think is going on. America was trying to extract Li because she had information on germ warfare that the Chinese had. I'm not clear on who hired the Pavlovich Brothers to kidnap her. Red hired the Pavlovich Brothers to get Tom to give him to Lizzie to question ("a gift for me? how nice!") Tom said he's "one of the good guys", but I'm not sure what that means. Tom gave Lizzie some cryptic information before leaving her. Lizzie hates pancakes. The FBI agents, especially Lizzie, are portrayed as buffoons. Red did all this planning to have people following Tom (people who blended in brilliantly, by the way), and then Lizzie decides to just run into the museum so she can see what Tom is up to. Jeez! I understand that she was the woman scorned and everything, but did she ever even CONSIDER asking Tom who he worked for?! Yeah, keep turning your back on him so you can talk on the just KNEW he was going to get free and then their house would be trashed by them fighting. She went to the safety deposit box and found something shocking. What could it be? Her birth certificate showing she is actually Red's daughter? A picture showing how Red killed Lizzie's dad in the hospital? it could be any number of things. Hopefully we'll get some answers next week.

My show pet peeve? Hollywood has a lock on makeup/prosthetics, etc. but yet the wig that they have Lizzie wear is just AWFUL! Why does she wear a wig? If it's because they are waiting for her hair to grow out or something, couldn't they have at least made it seem like her own hair? I find myself staring at her forehead/wig line.

Personally, I see Lizzie getting with her partner that she works with at the FBI. They have their jobs in common, and one would hope that he wouldn't be a double agent or something. It think that would be a cute match up.

James Spader - I don't have enough words. The fact that he can take me from laughter to tears in a nanosecond. His facial expression remains pretty flat, but he can convey so much. LOVE him!

Did I answer your questions at all? I just love Blacklist, but the lines are so blurred between good guys and bad guys you sometimes have no clue as to what is going on.
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