Old 04-25-2014, 06:34 AM
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Originally Posted by 4dogs View Post
Is there a secret that I don't know about? I always get some agrivation with the back side of the quilts....how do you keep those little wrinkles from forming? I hold tight when I am sewing, and I try very hard to keep any wrinkles or folds out of the back fabric, but still I always seem to get some spots that I am not pleased with........I use a lot of safety pins when pinning the sandwich....what am I doing wrong?

Smooth, smooth, smooth....and use spray baste. I had puckers and fold overs on the first quilt I quilted on my Brother 450Q, but I managed to unstitch and get them out. The next one, I was VERY careful to check the back and make sure it was as smooth as I could get it.

It's a problem, I agree. Only constant vigilance, I think, can prevent wrinkles and puckers on the back when quilting on a DSM.
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