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Old 05-04-2014, 08:03 AM
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Default Happy dance!!!! Look What They Found!!!!

Yeserday DH and I went to the farm to help clean and take a load back with us - this time mostly items to donate to the Women's Shelter that my company supports (on the reservation).

This AM my younger brother decided to climb up into the attic and look around. Most was cleaned out years ago when the roof leaked, but it appears a few things got shoved up there since then.

Got an email message - "look what we found in the attic"

I am soooo excited (where is the dancing banana when you need it LOL!!)

This is my Mom's old sewing machine. I thought my neice ended up with it, but recently learned that one is a newer Viking my Mom bought after I was married, and no one knew what happened to this one. Last summer when my Mom could still communicate better, she told us that her old machine was a White - and she indicated it was "upstairs" but we all assumed she was thinking it was in her sewing room, but we knew it wasn't there. I assumed this one was long, long gone like the Singer 201 that she had at the same time. Us kids got to sew on the 201 - but I know I sewed on her "good" machine too, but I could not remember anything about it.

This one will be coming home with me the next time we make a trip in. We weren't planning on going until June - but now I'm ready to go again soon!
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