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Old 12-22-2009, 04:31 AM
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: midcoast Maine
Posts: 33

Constance, you will get it. I am still confused when I go to Joann. I don't get to see bunches of fabrics alll together mostly because my group gets donated fabric and I work from that. I do star gaze a lot on the internets to see different types and colors put together which seems the hardest thing for me to do. I get confused when I go to the LQS Connecting threads and the way they market their line seems the easiest for me. When I first started to want to quilt, I bought a huge garbage bag size of mixed fabrics from Goodwill and sewed a quilt with those. Happily sewing away, but not knowing points were supposed to meet etc. :mrgreen: I use it now as a blanket in the trunk of the car and handy for picnics too. In my ignorance, I bought about six different size rulers without even knowing what they were for or how to use them. LOL--as it turns out I use every single one of them. Enjoy your new hobby. This place is so chock full of nice people who are always willing to help in any way they can.
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