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Old 05-09-2014, 07:31 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Chapel Hill
Posts: 1,086

I love retreats. I used to go to several scrapbook retreats each year. I haven't been as lucky finding quilt retreats that I can afford in my area.

In any larger group, there are bound to be people who will never be my best friend. Smile, nod, be friendly, accept that I don't need to be besties with everyone in the room and move on.

We've got a neat mix of people in our guild, and I've gotten to know several through guild workshops that I would not otherwise have had a chance to meet.

I am a shy person, so it takes me a bit to work up the courage to jump into a group, but the benefits so outweigh letting fear hold me back.

Cheers, K
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