Thread: EQ7 - should I?
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Old 05-09-2014, 11:52 AM
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Originally Posted by romille View Post
I am am software engineer, so the learning/using software is no big deal.
I actually have a theory that folks who use computers and software a lot have a harder time with EQ7 than someone who is more of a novice. It's not intuitively built like most software is and doesn't do what you might expect it to do, or at least not in the way you'd expect it to do it. I'm a programmer and I have found the learning curve to be pretty steep! There are still a lot of things I revert back to graph paper for because I can't figure it out in EQ7, BUT I love having the software and some day I'll really knuckle down and figure out how to do those things. There are a lot of tutorials for it that I haven't had any trouble following.
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