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Old 12-22-2009, 10:28 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

This should be a good one, I am very goal oriented by nature.

1. Studio addition, I need to start and finish the addition to my studio and have a place to hold my growing collection of memorabilia and sewing machines

2. Add to my collection of sewing machines, try to buy the ones that are on my wish list before they are too hard to find.

3. Add to my fabric stash

4. Make a lap quilt just for me

5. Expand the amount of sewing machines in my arsenal to use for quilting

6. Keep learning more techniques and applying them to the quilts that I make

Now for the non quilting version...........

1. Buy a vintage Tractor and restore it

2. Find and buy a late 30's or 40 something pick up truck to use as my main mode of transportation for the farm and running to town to get what ever I need.

3. Start building the new family homestead so that my FIL can live in the house that is already there and he can be looked after and still have some independence.

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