Thread: Quilt Backing
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Old 05-15-2014, 04:17 AM
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Default Frankenbacks!

Originally Posted by dunster View Post
Why do you say the back shouldn't be scrappy? I sometimes use wide backs, sometimes use 45" fabric, but most of the time I use up scraps that were left over from making the front. Sometimes the back is almost as interesting as the front.

Dunster is spot on, as usual! I have started using orphans and leftover yardage or just plain uglies in the backs of my quilts and I am loving the result. I took the Bonnie Hunter/Mickey Depre "Collaboration Celebration" class and Mickey showed off her "Frankenbacked" quilts! Bonnie had a couple too. If it's good enough for the professionals, it's certainly going to work for me. Saves money and time as well.

The prettiest back I ever saw was made of 10" blocks in shirting colors. It blended beautifully, complimented the quilt and showed off the quilting nicely. The quilter said that she was just using up leftover big scraps!
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